Substitute teaching is what I do to contribute a little bit to the family income. It doesn't contribute much. As a certified teacher, I earn $125 per day - 7 hours of work and 30 minutes for lunch. That is much better than the pay rate in Illinois (where we lived prior to moving to Alaska), but it is still not enough to live on. Even if a sub worked every day for the entire year (highly unlikely), that is still only $22,500 before taxes. This includes no benefits - no health insurance, no retirement, nothing. If I got a summer job, similar to the one my daughter had, I could earn another $3000 for a whopping $25,500. Still without health insurance, without retirement, without any extras.
I enjoy subbing, usually, but I must admit that the financial aspect makes me feel worthless. Considering that I have to buy clothes for work, gas to get there, and coursework to keep up my certification, I sometimes wonder if it is worth it at all financially. It probably ratchets up our income to a higher tax bracket, too. I am not surprised that the school district has difficulty getting subs. I feel like I am working hard, doing a substantially similar job to what the regular teachers do, but for just not enough financially. I guess I should listen to my relatives and "get a real job".