With Walmart workers now making $10 an hour, will school districts need to raise substitute teachers' pay?
Walmart: $10/hour * 8 hours/day = $80/day.
Sub pay: $95/day with no benefits and no guarantee of work and a maximum of 180 working days.
Sub pay: $95/day with no benefits and no guarantee of work and a maximum of 180 working days.
Advantages of working at Walmart:
1) steady work
2) regular workplace
3) some benefits
Disadvantages of working at Walmart:
1) physically difficult - on feet most of the day
2) not especially intellectually challenging
3) benefits are still minimal
Advantages of working as a Substitute Teacher:
1) interesting work
2) can choose to take days off
3) variety
Disadvantages of working as a Substitute Teacher:
1) anonymity - "Who are you today?"
2) no benefits
3) even if you work every single day, there is no way to earn even poverty level wages.
$100/day * (max) 180 days/school year = (max) $18,000 per school year. And just try finding a part time job for the days when there is no school.
$100/day * (max) 180 days/school year = (max) $18,000 per school year. And just try finding a part time job for the days when there is no school.
Disclaimer: I am sure there are many more things to say about each job. Many more.