Monday, September 19, 2011

Cancelled Jobs and Job Shopping

I hate cancelled jobs.  I accepted a half-day job for this afternoon and conscientiously set my other two school districts to unavailable - and then the job was cancelled.  This time, I also turned down an additional morning job, because the two jobs were only 15 minutes apart and, since this was to be a new school for me, I wasn't sure I would be able to drive between the two schools and get there in time.  So now, there is nothing for today.  Sigh.

One thing that is new to me this year is that the jobs are also available online.  That means you can check the web sites for each school district repeatedly and find jobs that may be available.  That is an advantage, if you want to spend hours on the computer, pressing the search button every few seconds - every 15 seconds, in the case of one school district.  But it also means that it is harder to get a called out job, since there are probably a number of people just sitting at their computers pressing the search buttons.  It is very boring.

I am getting to the point, where I wish I didn't want to teach.

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